Commentary on Transcript:
July 4 th 2002 saw the appearance of the stunningly beautiful ‘Ribbons’ formation nestled inexplicably (as if lowered in from above) between three massive barrow mounds at this site near Stonehenge and within touching distance of the ancient processional avenue, which leads to the monument. 750 feet in diameter, the precision of placement and simple elegance of its perfect form was both breathtaking and wondrous to behold. No less breathtaking in its impact is the content of the transcript that emerged from the hidden depths of its place name as I decoded it the following day.
Here we have a wonderful illustration of the Circle Makers’ awareness and knowledge of the desperate imbalances facing us today. And the clearest insights regarding their compassion and understanding of the actions required to redress the imbalance, and their willingness to assist in the implementation of required actions.
An interesting point to note is the date of this formation – July 4th 2002 – Independence day in the USA, the first to follow the horrific events of September 11th 2001. Was the formation placed at the burial mounds at Normanton in the shadow of the sacred Stonehenge as a token of sympathy and respect? A cosmic wreath perhaps.
There are many references regarding the ending of all wars on Earth and grave warnings concerning the effects that an SDI Star Wars programme would ultimately have. Not only on Earth but extending beyond all knowable boundaries with equally unknowable consequences.
On the basis that all is inter-connected, not only do our devastating actions wreak havoc and destruction upon each other and on the living Earth, but in our ignorance of our universal responsibilities (while struggling to meet our global ones), we have the potential to wreak havoc and destruction upon life elsewhere. It is therefore perfectly understandable that these beings should attempt to alert us to the error of our ways. They have a right to do so, as would any neighbour if another’s ignorant actions placed him in danger.
There is no real chronological order to the presentation of the transcripts other than the date I choose to decode them (generally when a new circle draws my attention to a particular site name), rather they are presented in the order I perceive the Circle Makers wish them to be presented. As they cannot convey their message personally at this time, alas they must rely on channels like myself to relay it for them.
End The Old Order
As previously shown, the Circle Makers appear to have no qualms about courting controversy. Here is another example of their candour, and one, I am sure, that many on this planet would heartily agree with.
Ranging from the semi-etheric to beings of pure energy or pure light. Highly evolved lifeforms by our reckoning, with responsibilities for Universal creation and balance. Perhaps we might consider them Ascended Masters in some sense – masters of their own destiny. Who these new masters of wisdom might be is not expressly given, instead certain entities are identified as having been on earth in the days of the ancient civilisations of Atlantis and ancient Egypt, indicating the potential for at least some of the masters to come from their ranks.
Arab – Israeli War Will End
As you can see, these beings appear to be in no doubt about the solution to our problems on this planet. They seem to offer a predictive statement here. My own opinion of this particular text and the intention behind it is this: the inter-dimensional and/or extraterrestrial beings involved in sending these Letters are grammatically formulating their words to convey as clear and precise a message as possible. If it reads as straightforward, my understanding is that it is to be understood as read.
There may be the necessity to read between the lines in some sense too. For instance, when we read here that -ALL WILL RESIDE IN THEIR OWN HOMELANDS – ALL WILL BE MADE RIGHT – as welcome as that sounds, we may pause to wonder precisely how this might happen. From what is expressed here, we can only surmise at the intervention of these beings in bringing about a resolution of conflict in the Middle East, either directly or by influence. It is not quite clear enough to suppose otherwise.
What is clear is that they are aware of our needs and appear ready to assist. Although the overall tone when discussing both the Arab – Israeli and Tibetan situations can be perceived as indicating interstellar intervention in some sense, the nature of that intervention is only classed at this point as ‘assistance’. How this assistance will unfold is not given at this time. Only an assurance that something will be done.
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